Saturday, October 4, 2008

Teaching young children

Teaching young children can be so much fun and rewarding but for me the most important point is that the children have a great time and enjoy themselves so that they associate English lessons with fun and actually look forward to them and want to learn.

Previoulsy I have used the Teddy's train book and CD's but this year I stumbled upon Genki English and after having listened to a few of the Demo's, that I couldn't get out of my head after hearing, I decided to try that this year.

So far so good, I am happy with te download pack I got. It conatains apx 60 songs, which are all fairly easy to learn and have some funky tunes and beats (which the kids seem to love). The owners club (free with the download) allows access to numerous lesson plans and ideas for games, some worksheets (a bit the same) and a forum full of great advice.

I would definately suggest this site for anyone teaching nursery to grade 4.

The link is and please send an email to Richard saying "Everything ESl" you.

Now go and explore that website!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Time flies...and so do pigeons!

Well, I can't believe that it is October already. So much for my plans to post weekly or daily to my blog.

I guess most of you have been in the same position, what with the start of the school year always being busy, sometimes even hectic!

A lot of my time was taken up with writing new a new syllabus for each year, fairly straight forward once you have identified the main aims of the lesson and target vocab, but I always try to find at least one game to add in that will aid learning.

We also had to identify and write down in the syllabus what work the clever /fast finishers would get and what the slower students would get. I don't really like to separate the class and instaed do much more oral work with the fast finishers but this year it all had to be written down, so thats what I did.

So far most of my classes seem to be enjoying the English lessons, but one of my biggest problems was with a class in the 4th year. They were simply not used to seeing the English letters and would constantly ask what letter is that. It would only be a minor difference in the shape but they just couldn't get it. But afetr 4 weeks they have got a lot better. I promuised to try and write a bit more like the Hungarian style if they promised to "think" what the letter could be if I reverted back my English style of far so good. I've slipped a few English letters in there and they seem to be doing ok with it!

I am also trying to get them to stop asking if they should miss a line when writing in thier exercise books. I am trying to encourage them to think for themselves and simply tell them this is their book and they should write in it nicely and so that it is easy to read again at home.

So I truly have some lovely classes this year and with the help of a classroom assiatnat even my biggest and loudest class seem to be learning!

No problems to speak of, but today one child wanted to show me something at the end of the lesson.....probably would have been bestto say I wasn't interested but alas I was so......he showed me a pigeon, a live one sitting inhis hands, which he then let go and it flew a circle around the room, before shitting on the cupboard and then returned to the student, who put it into the pocket of his bag! Not sure what to do n a situation like this a passing teacher heard the commotion and gave him eht choice to return hom with it now or to set it free.

Lucky it wasn't an elephant he brought to school.