Friday, September 5, 2008

Some frustrating news

This week I heard some very frustrating news.

My friends son learns English in a primary school, he is in the 7th grade (apx 14 years old). This week they asked if he could have some extra lesson swith me because he doesn't enjoy English in the school. His mum told me that he literally shakes with fear in the classroom in case he is picked on to speak. Apparently the teacher shouts at the students if they get it wrong.....I HATE THIS! NO, NO, NO AND NO!

Children should never ever be shouted at when trying to learn and making an effort. I really don't like this way of teaching and feel that it just inhibits the students. I always encourage the students and even if they get it wrong I always tell them nice job (unless of course they are doing it on purpose).

Am I wrong? What do you think? Personally I love to see a class full of students with hands in the air eager to answer the questions even if they get it wrong, because at least they are trying, rather than everyone sitting staring at he desk in the hope of not getting picked for fear of getting it wrong!

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